Monday, March 10, 2008

How'd I get here (part 1)

To let you all in on how I ended up going to Holland I am going to do a several part series on the last year or so, trying to detail out how I got to this point.  

A year and a half ago, if you had asked me that question I would have said I was going to get a Ph.d and teach Old Testament Ethics at a college or university.  After realizing that I wasn't really cut out to be in a library for the better part of my life, I started looking for other options.  That led me to email Kevin Johnson a former pastor and current friend of our family, who was and is pastoring in Holland.

I have to admit at first I didn't think much of this, I was just testing the waters and didn't think much would come of it.  Well, the next thing I know I am getting called from the head of Christian Associates International (CAI) and having him talk me into attending their staff conference in Hungary.  Luckily, Kevin and I were able to sit down and talk when her visited home over the summer and things started to make sense.  The big hurtle for myself was I didn't really know the organization.  This was the first act of God that I saw.  After returning from a family vacation (to beautiful Sweden, ahh the motherland, and visiting our insanely generous relatives) I had two weeks to raise 2,000.00 for a trip to a conference in Soporn, Hungary.  Well, it only took about a week for me to raise the money, and the prayer support was overwhelming, for as many people that gave money at least double said they would pray and support me.  Needless to say I was quite overwhelmed.

I went to the conference very focused on what I wanted, I had questions and I needed answers.  I had organizational question, Theological questions, interpersonal questions...and on.  By the end of the week, I had all my questions answered and then some.  I was able to meet with a countless amount of missionaries and non-missionary folks that were attending the conference.  Then to top it off, this was the most warm and out going group of people I had ever been around, it really caught me off guard.

When I got back, I knew that this was where God wanted me and what I was going to do...well at least for a couple weeks.

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