Last week, I was able to go and visit my good friends the Perriman’s in London. It was a wonderful four days catching up, seeing some of the sights, and meeting their new church. When I returned to The Hague on Saturday, we had an exciting IJM meeting. Then on Sunday I had my official good-bye to Crossroads announcement. It was a good week; I had a lot of fun and a little work as well.
The last/first time I was in London, I did not have a good impression of the city. I mean it was beautiful, it had a long rich history, and who doesn’t love Bangers and Mash? There was just something about the city that didn’t sit well with me. That was not the case this time.
I stayed with my friends Andrew and Belinda. We had a great time catching up, taking nice walks and seeing some good British humor…well British humor. For me it was a very relaxing time to do some reading and thinking about the coming months and year. While I was there I was able to do two Strengths Finder seminar’s with the church that the Perriman’s are attending; one on Wednesday and one on Friday. They were a real treat. I enjoyed meeting the people from their new church and hearing about their ministry in London. I felt a real connection with what they were doing in London. These were all 20 something’s trying to see if real community can change their world. They are helping in homeless shelter’s, playing football (soccer) in the park with kids and are setting up a financial advice non-profit to help locals with their finances.
For me this was a great encouragement. These people have committed to living in community in London, specifically in a low-income area of the city. I had good conversations with several people from the church and with the Perriman’s as well. This weekend gave me a lot to think about in coming back to The Hague this fall.
I was able to visit some museums and did a lot of walking around Central London, the weather was amazing. I loved weaving through the endless streets and alleyways of London. I sat in several parks and gardens and reflected on the last year and thought about the future. It was a great time right before I leave.
I got back to The Hague around 5pm and went straight to Scheveningen for an IJM meeting. Actually, it was a celebration dinner. We were celebrating the fact that on that Friday IJM Netherlands was now an official Stichting (Non-profit). This night signified over year’s amount of work and vision now having come to a climax, what was just a thought a year ago is a reality now. It was a very special sight to see. Joining us were, IJM Germany, IJM UK and Scott Lewis, the Affiliate office director from Washington D.C. We had a good time of getting to know each other talking vision in Europe and also eating some good food as well.
I enjoyed getting to know Scott Lewis, hearing how he got involved with IJM coming from Youth for Christ. Scott joined IJM 3 years ago and talked about how fast IJM was growing even in that short of a time. I was encouraged to hear about what God was doing in and through IJM.
One other cool testimony that came out was how by pursuing IJM from the Netherlands, our team had actually opened IJM’s mind’s to the significant role affiliate offices can play in the work of IJM. With this in mind they have sought to develop more offices around the world. This was a huge faith builder, seeing how stepping out can really pay huge benefits in area’s you never dreamed.
This past Sunday Kevin brought me up in front of the congregation and I got to thank Crossroads and give an update of what I will be doing when I return in the fall. I was really looking forward to doing this. I am very grateful to Crossroads as a church for welcoming me, encouraging me and helping me grow.
As I look back on my time here, I am very grateful for everything that this community has given. I have had amazing experiences, made great friendships and been able to help with what God is doing here. The part that I appreciate the most is the encouragement. I have always had people coming up and encouraging me in the areas I have been stepping out it. Also, the church has been challenging me to step out. It has been a great place to grow.
I am beginning my last week here in The Hague, even though I will be coming back, it still will be the end of a great internship. I love looking back and seeing the friendships develop, see what God has done and be able to say I have made some lifelong friends, who will actually let me visit them!! Haha.
I do still have prayer requests:
1) Pray that my transition back to Minnesota will go well and all the logistics of moving home will go smoothly.
2) Pray about my support raising. I need to raise both money and prayer support. I am excited to start support raising. Pray that God will meet my needs.
3) Pray for my time in Minnesota that it will be beneficial and productive. I have a lot planned and need to keep on task the whole summer.
I have had a great week, I had time to relax, I was challenged and encouraged, also I got to express my thanks to the whole community of Crossroads. See you all in Minnesota!!
Jason! It's been so good to read about your time in the Hague. And you're returning in the fall! Sounds like it'll be a great fit. Congrats!
thanks, I am looking forward to coming back, it should be exciting.
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