Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heading back to Holland

Hello Friends,
I’d like to give you an update of the status of my life right now. I have purchased my return ticket to The Netherlands and will be arriving in The Hague on October 22nd. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to be able to move back to Europe and start working. Along with a plane ticket I also have an official job title. I will be the Director of European Operations for Christian Associates (CA). This is a big job and I am humbled that CA has offered this position to me. The powerful aspect of this position is that this is what I dreamed of doing when I was in Seminary and now it is becoming a reality. Due to the generosity of an attender of Crossroads Church of The Hague, the church where I served this past year, I have a place to live for 200.00 Euros a month. This was a huge answer to prayer. Everything is happening very quickly now and most all the details are falling into place. Looking back on this summer it seems like a blur. It began with the transition back to MN, then, starting to raise support, taking a road trip to California through some of the most amazing lands/beautiful evidence of God’s creation, officiating my sister's wedding, Graduating, doing some well needed camping, spending time with my girlfriend Cecily and celebrating my mother's 60th Birthday. The highlight of the summer has to have been officiating my sister's wedding, although, spending time with Cecily and my road trip are close second and third positions. Being able to perform the ceremony for my sister was a once in a lifetime experience that exceeded all expectations and I will cherish that day for the rest of my life.
Looking ahead at the next year I have a lot of work to do with CA, but first things must come first. I have to move over and get settled before I can be a productive part of the CA team. Along with this newsletter you should have received a timeline for my two years in Europe. This should serve two purposes, 1) helping to give you a clearer understanding of my role in Europe with CA, 2) to be used as a prayer timeline. There are conferences, goals, and dreams that I need prayer for, and I hope this will help you in knowing what areas of my work. Along with that graphic, I also have a prayer email that I will be sending out periodically with specific prayer requests. If you have not received this email and would like to, please let me know (
Other ways to stay connected with me are: My blogs: - this is my everything blog, come find out what thoughts I am wrestling with. - this is my update blog, if you want to know what's going on in a month go here and find out. Also this is a good blog to send people to who you think would be interested in what I am doing or what CA is doing in Europe. Skype: Skype is an internet based chat/video phone service that is free computer to computer and is a great way to say “hi” and talk for free no matter where you are or I am in the world. My Skype name is “cutjas.” If you are receiving this letter and are interested in supporting me, financially or prayerfully, or know of someone who would be interested please feel free to give them my email I would love to connect. I have been very humbled by my experiences this past summer and continue to be as I look forward to
moving back to The Netherlands. I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported me financially, through prayer, or encouragement. Every dollar, every prayer, every kind word has meant the world to me and has helped to push me along in the calling God has given me. I will be praying for all of you in the coming year and I want you to feel free to contact me at anytime.
Thank you and Blessings,
Jason Cutshall

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